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Creeping Thyme as a Groundcover.

Creeping thyme is a great choice for a groundcover.

If you have banks, hillsides, hard to mow areas creeping thyme gives great low growing coverage. Creeping thyme has a deep thick matted root system that’s great for erosion control making it a great groundcover.

Why not have a honeybee and butterfly friendly ground cover, we need the pollinators, keep them happy with Creeping Thyme.

Creeping thyme is not a deers favorite, but during a long hard winter, a hungry deer will munch on it, but it’s ok, when they trim it it just grows thicker, just another reason why creeping thyme makes a great groundcovers.

I am glad I choose creeping thyme for my hillsides and ground covers, it has saved me hours of weed eating property since it chokes out the weeds once it’s established.

Creeping Thyme, honeybees and pollinators

Creeping Thyme Groundcover

Creeping Thyme and Flagstone

Creeping Thyme Lawns

Planting my Creeping Thyme Pouches - Propagation of Creeping Thyme

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Buy creeping thyme to help feed honeybees, buy creeping thyme for erotion control, buy creeping thyme for flagstone projects, buy creeping thyme for creeping thyme yards, buy creeping thyme for groundcover, buy online and get them in a few days mail order. thanks for supporting the little homestead.

myplantsite.com 2022 "walk on me" Creeping Thyme as a Groundcover .